Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Appearances of Meth Users

Appearances of Meth Users... The picture says it all. I've seen people continue to use meth even with their two front teeth missing. It puzzles me to see why an addict will continue using no matter the consequences. It is a disease that effects each individual that suffers from it. The disease of addiction can make any person go to great lengths to feed their addiction. A lot of women meth users start because you can drop pounds fast and easy when you smoke, smort, or even inject meth. As the pictures shows this woman who seemed normal in the beginning dropped the weight but her addiction took her to the point of no return. Now she appears underweight, malnutrition, boney.

If you know someone who has gone to horrible lengths of transformation and is in need of help please contact us at 866-384-8411 so that we can help you find a solution for your loved one. We are here to help you find an answer and save your loved one's life. You can visit our website www.lifelineintervention.com

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