Monday, April 14, 2008


How do you know when you need an intervention?

First of all if you are asking yourself this question something is wrong. There is a problem with someone around you and you are helpless in knowing what you should do to help them. If you asked your that Someone "will you go to treatment" and they begin to deny and say what are you talking about. That would be a definite sign they are going to be needing an professional interventionist. We can sit and watch this person destroy their life or step in and work with a professional who can guide you step by step in making a right choice to move forward with an intervention. This is not just about the addict, but it is about the family too. You are working together to fight the disease of addiction.

If you know someone struggling with addiction and they are needing help, please call us at 866-384-8411 or visit our website

Please call we are here to help...

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