Thursday, April 10, 2008

Lifeline Intervention

Lifeline Intervention

Lifeline Intervention has helped many families. Here is a testimonials.

Dear Lifeline,

Fran and I want to thank you for all you have done with regard to Jared's intervention and providing him guidance and advice during his stay.
You handled the intervention extremely professionally. You organized and directed the people attending the intervention with special care. This was not easy in light of the fact that there were two very overprotecting grandmothers in attendance. In addition, we thank you for the numerous times and hours you spent on the phone with us planning and coordinating the intervention.

We don't know what you said or did to convince Jared at the intervention to go with you to Laguna Beach, but it worked. We all thought we lost him for a while with respect to going with you.

We also want to thank you for the advice and support you are providing Jared during his stay. In addition, during our stay in Laguna Beach last week you spent time with us and advising us. You are one of few people (if not the only one) that he will listen to and take heed.
During these last six weeks (since we began talking with you) we feel that you have actually become a member of our family. We hope that no matter what yours or Jared's future brings (and we hope good things for both of you) that we always remain close.
Again we want to thank you for all you have done and keep up the good work!
Very truly yours,
Fran and Stuart

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